An Integrated Future for Space Operations: Insights from Industry & Military Leaders

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In a world where space has become increasingly central to joint military operations, the integration of commercial capabilities with military strategies is crucial. The recent event hosted by the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) Aerospace Security Project provided a platform for this critical discussion. One of the sessions featured Colonel Byron McClain, Program Executive Officer for Space Domain Awareness and Combat Power at Space Systems Command, and Shannon Pallone, Program Executive Officer for Battle Management Command, Control & Communications at the United States Space Force. Their insights threw light on the complexities and advancements in integrating space operations for enhanced military effectiveness.

McClain stressed the importance of delivery in the acquisition world.

“Our key role is to deliver capability,” he said. “It’s all about delivery now.” This delivery process involves extensive development, design and understanding of the needs of the war fighter community. He illustrated this with the OODA loop (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) concept, explaining: “Space domain awareness is all about observing, and combat power is all about acting.”

Pallone complemented this perspective by elaborating on the interconnectedness of space systems.

“Nothing that I do is self-contained,” she said. “Everything has to work with what Byron’s delivering.” She highlighted the critical nature of integration, describing their roles as part of a “sandwich” where her Battle Management Command, Control & Communications (BMC3) portfolio processes data to support decision-making, working seamlessly with McClain’s combat power initiatives.

The dialogue between McClain and Pallone underscored the necessity of a cohesive approach to space operations. McClain noted: “The combat power side of my portfolio has to be ready to accept commands from the decision pieces in Shannon’s portfolio.” This interdependency reflects the broader need for a synchronized strategy across different domains to ensure effective joint operations.

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