Insider Brief:
- SBS announced it is expanding its services to include communications designed for extraterrestrial beings, UFOs, and not-of-this-world technology.
- SBS’s offerings for extraterrestrials include full-service strategy, narrative development and media execution.
- The company kindly asks interested extraterrestrial beings to refrain from abductions.
PRESS RELEASE — San Francisco / February 16, 2023 / BUSINESS WIRE / — SBS, a leading technology communications agency, today announced it is expanding its services to include communications designed for extraterrestrial beings, UFOs, and not-of-this-world technology. As curious, open minded people who happen to be experts in space, AI, cybersecurity, advanced manufacturing and robotics, SBS is uniquely qualified to help extraterrestrials announce themselves to the world, rightsize misconceptions and demonstrate the magic of their alien technology.
SBS’s offerings for extraterrestrials include full-service strategy, narrative development and media execution on topics ranging from galactic origins, anti-gravity technology, time travel, fusion energy, crop circles, the observable length of human history, super remote work, and more. With tensions high and fascination for UFOs building across the globe, there’s no better time to earn goodwill and understanding with earthlings.
“Extraterrestrials are people too…or maybe they’re not? Regardless, I think if they can fly things, they deserve to have their voices (or whatever methods they use to communicate) heard,” said John O’Brien, founder of SBS. “The key is getting the ETs to a message of peace and cooperation, even if that’s not what they’re thinking right off the bat. Given the far-reaching benefits to humanity in bringing their technology to Earth, we’re amenable to a pro-bono arrangement for PR since it’s unclear if they’d have any money to spend.”
While this past week has resurrected the topic of UFOs and extraterrestrials to mainstream press, SBS has spent years discussing the likelihood of UFO existence that dates back centuries. UFO stories, documentaries and podcasts are frequent subjects of Slack channel conversations at SBS, keeping staff in tip-top shape to represent our galactic neighbors when they choose to reveal themselves and share their stories.
“Maybe this is exactly what they’ve been waiting for — the right communications strategy,” said Claudia Traverso, Executive Vice President at SBS. “They’ve demonstrated an ability to travel lightyears and observe us from afar, but these other-worldly beings clearly haven’t yet mastered the skill of strategic communications. Maybe a helping hand in landing the right messages, striking the right tone and booking the right morning shows is all they need to drop some knowledge and life changing technology.”
There are more questions than answers. SBS is here to help change that. ETs or highly-intelligent autonomous machines may email us at [email protected] or visit us on Instagram. For those ETs who are early on in their entrepreneurial journey, we also offer streamlined startup communications via OnBoard and we can be reached at [email protected]. We’ll also accept other forms of outreach, but kindly ask interested extraterrestrial beings to refrain from abductions.
Contact Information:
John O’Brien
[email protected]
SOURCE: Business Wire
Featured image: Credit: Miriam Espacio –
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